Learning Management System

The core of a robust web-based training solution is a ‘Learning Management System (LMS)’. infoWERK as an eLearning provider has successfully addressed the needs of its customers and developed the SCORM compliant Learning Management System.

LMS Learning Managemnt System settings
VC - Virtual Classroom - user view

Virtual Classroom

We take you into the world of New Learning, into Virtual Classrooms and the digital, hybrid trainings of tomorrow! Designed for hybrid training and compliant with EASA requirements infoWERK’s Virtual Classroom allows a combination of mixed classrooms, i.e. remote (online) and on-site students.

Competency Based Training

The competency-based training approach is based on the knowledge (competency) of the individual user. Users must show their actual knowledge for given topics of a course and then are only required to visit the topics where not sufficient knowledge has been demonstrated.

CBT - Competency Based Training Info

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