eLearning News
By September this year, changes regarding Dispatch Training will come into effect.
According to Amendment 19 to Annex III to ED Decision 2022/005/R training has to be provided for Flight Operations Officers (FOOs) and Flight Dispatchers (FDs) if they are used by the operator. The training has to be based on the relevant parts of ICAO Annex 1 and ICAO Documents 10106 and 9868.
In order to match these requirements, infoWERK has developed around 50 learning modules, covering the required competencies of a Flight Dispatcher / Flight Operations Officer. The learning modules can be assigned individually to address the training needs according to the specific FOO/FD duties and responsibilities.
..to cover Part-145 and Part-CAMO training requirements. With the introduction of Part CAMO, EASA created a requirement for Initial and Recurrent 'Safety Training'. By September last year all European CAMO Organisations should transistion to Part CAMO.
EASA regulations specify different training syllabi for Part-145 Human Factors Initial training and Part-CAMO Initial Safety training. Due to similar content of both trainings infoWERK has developed a combined version satisfying the requirements of:
- Appendix II (Part-145) GM1 145.A.30(e) and
- Appendix Vc (Part-CAMO) GM2 CAMO.A.305(g
infoWERK is happy to announce the release of another, significant elearning course for Operators - COSMIC RADIATION.
Cosmic ionizing radiation or short "Cosmic Radiation", is a form of ionizing radiation that comes from outer space. While even a very small amount of this radiation reaches the earth, radiation levels rise with higher altitude as well as at higher latitudes.