eLearning News

Customized courses at no extra costs with our new LMS slide editor

We‘re constantly modifying and improving our Learning Management System and can now introduce a new slide editor function for our LMS customers.

 slide editor image


From now on all LMS course administators get the possibility to fully customize the infoWERK courses to fit their operator’s needs.


infoWERK releases brand-new "ESD Course" for Basic Maintenance Training

Exciting announcement for the maintenance training departments!


infoWERK has developed a new course on ESD 'ElectroStatic Discharge' to train individuals who are involved in the assembly, replacement, handling, repair and testing of electrical components about the risks and avoidance of ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD).


ESD Training1


Great news for our customers: LMS tutorials available now!

In order to offer our LMS customers even better support and more independence in LMS handling, we now provide useful instructional videos!


We've created five Tutorial Videos for users or instructors of the infoWERK LMS which will help them to independently...


LMS video tutorial


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